
In the period from 29 August to 12 September 2020, 38 people group of students from School Complex under the name of Jadwiga Grodzka in Łęczyca, Poland who study in the profession of economics technician, IT technician and analytics technician took part in 2-week internship in Greece. Vocational training was realized within the project: Zagraniczne praktyki zawodowe perspektywą lepszego rozwoju zawodowego” / “Vocational trainings abroad as a perspective of better professional development”.

The aim of the vocational training was enhancing professional competences of the students and gaining by them experience in working in international environment, which results in improving their attractiveness at labor market. The internship was also a chance for young people to develop their language competences and the knowledge concerning the culture of Greece.

The aim of the project was also achieving the effects resulting from the local needs, such as timely job seeking after graduation or starting their own business, acquiring consciousness concerning European dimension in school society, preventing exclusion, experiencing nonbiased solutions and drawing proper conclusions, overcoming language barriers, dealing with stressful situations and acquiring self-esteem, as well as promotion of school in the region. Participants’ recruitment were held on the basis of defined criteria. School teachers, who were engaged in the project prepared students for the stay abroad taking into consideration content, culture and language needs. We assumed dissemination of project results after completing the trainings, as well as its evaluation. Coordinator, managing the project, was responsible for its proper realization, controlling and progress monitoring at its different stages. During the mobilities students were assisted by a care teacher, who directly supervised them, make decisions and monitor the training realization. Participation in the vocational training was confirmed by a range of documents: certificate confirming participation in preparatory trainings, attendance certificate and two-language (Polish and English) Europass Mobility document. Certification and validation of participation in the project was additionally contributed to enhancement of students’ position at local, national and international labor market and provided them with a better professional start in their carrier.

The students achieved the learning outcomes in accordance with the internship program for individual fields of study. In addition, the participants gained common learning outcomes such as:

– development of students’ professional skills, especially in the field of practical skills,

– development of knowledge and skills in real conditions,

– increasing the attractiveness of students as candidates for employment also on the international market,

– increasing students’ awareness of the importance of foreign language skills and experience professional in relation to labor market values,

– mobilizing students for continuous professional, linguistic and personal improvement,

– increasing the professional mobility of students and showing them a different, parallel reality and conditions both in the professional and personal sphere,

– development of cultural knowledge and dealing with new situations,

– development of social attitudes necessary for conscious European existence – respect, tolerance, openness, sensitivity to other people,

– ability to organize the place and time of work,

– ability to work in a team and share responsibility,

– ability to build and maintain good relationships with colleagues,

– the ability to communicate in a culturally and linguistically different society,

– the ability to predict threats to human health and life, property and the environment related to the performance of professional tasks,

– ability to use individual and collective protective equipment while performing tasks professional,

– ability to comply with occupational health and safety rules, adequate to those performed tasks.

Moreover, participants had chance to know new culture, history and traditions in other country thanks to cultural program that took place during their stay in Greece. Young people together with their teachers benefited from the cultural program, in which they went on a boat trip to the island of Skiathos, on the Greek island know the customs, cuisine and traditions. In addition, they tried local cuisine, had the opportunity to sing traditional songs and see Greek dances. Also, the participants went on a trip to the monastery complex located on the rocks – Meteora. As part of this tour, students and tutors learned about the history and religion of the Greeks and saw how the monks built their monasteries on rocks „hanging in the air”. In addition, they went on shorter trips to the local market and to the mountain village of Old Panteleimon.
