Within the project „Praktyka czyni mistrza” / „Practice makes a master” (budget: 102888,00 EUR; no. 2017-1-PL01-KA102-038136) “Transnational mobility of students and graduates, and the vocational training staff” realized from PO WER funds under the framework of Erasmus+ program, Vocational education and trainings section in the date of 12.03.2018 – 23.03.2018 30 students from School Complex no. 3 in Krasnik, Poland took part in vocational trainings in Greece. Students come from three professions: IT technician, vehicle technician and CNC mechanics technician. There were 10 people from each profession participating in the internship.
Similarly to the first group, which participated in the vocational training in the Autumn, 2017 during a 10-days stay in Greece students became acquainted with the functioning of enterprises, in which they underwent training and carried out professional tasks at different work stations. They participated in organizing workplaces and different activities under the supervision of experienced, Greek employees. They got to know the operation of particular organizational units and procedures. During the internship students from the profession of mechanics technician and vehicle technician had a chance to familiarize with the equipment of garages and companies related to mechanics field. Participants observed technological process of products production, machines designed for laser burning of details, CNC machine tools, carried out the service and repair od vehicles, familiarized with all mending stages of garage-qualified vehicles. Vocational training took place in the company producing door roller blinds, car elevators, Toyota and Citroen services, trucks and tires retreading service, and professional garage. Students learning in the profession of IT technician got to know the procedure concerning wires installation, computer equipment repairing and testing, defects and problems diagnosing, configuration, as well as with software installation according to the customer needs. Participants learned how to maintain computer equipment and how to use network supplies of the company – computer networks, databases, spread sheets and programs concerning the use of telephone/address book.
Vocational trainings enabled students from SC no. 3 in Krasnik to gain new experience, familiarize with operation of companies from particular industry branches in Greece and compare them with the situation of Polish companies. Student developed their professional competences and enabled them to join theoretical knowledge with practice.
After the training students and teachers took advantage of the wide offer concerning spending the free time: touristic trips, games, plays, competitions and animations. The sounds of traditional Greek melodies and moves of Greek folk-band were a great occasion to be carried away by the charm of the moment and try Zorba and a few other national dances during the “Greek afternoon”. Another day the whole group went to Thessaloniki – the second, according to the size, city in Greece. The group participated also in a trip to Meteora, which is a complex of Orthodox monasteries, entered at UNESCO world’s cultural heritage list. Participants made also a stop in icons factory, where they got to know the procedure of their writing. What is more, the group visited famous places located in the neighborhood. One of them was a castle in Platamonas at the local hill, from where beautiful views of Olimpic Riveria and Olimp massif could be admired. Another stop was Litochoro and Enipeas Ravine. Participants visited also The Old Panteleimonas – ancient village placed in the mountains and a local market in Leptokaria, where they bought a lot of regional products as a souvenir.
The last day of the training, apart from the last tasks, was designed to sum up the internship, do the last shopping and share the impressions.
All the training tasks and activities were conducted in nice and friendly atmosphere, adequate to Greek climate. At every corner the participants met kind and helpful people. It was beautiful time of study, work, fun and social relations.