logo FE UE RP wortal (1)The education path of students from ZSR Sokolka


Our organization recently completed yet another project in partnership with the Agricultural School Complex in Sokolka, Poland. This mobility, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program.

The project was attended by 82 students who underwent apprenticeships in companies and farms in the fields of: agricultural technician, nutrition and catering services technician, hotel management technician and economist technician. The students came in two rounds.

During the internship, they had the opportunity to participate and learn the secrets of their profession. Our teachers and teachers – tutors on the Polish side watched over whether the students meet the learning outcomes we assumed.

Our program consisted of theoretical but mostly practical classes to ensure that the youth receives the best education that will, in the future, help them find and maintain employment

In addition to work, a cultural program was carried out, which included, among others, trip to Meteora and the island of Skhiatos, the students also got to know the nearby area and its monuments after the internship.

Positive outcomes of the training are visible in the reports of youth that took part in it.
Here are some student testimonials:
“I learned how to serve a buffet quickly and how to prepare Greek dishes.” „I learned how to operate a restaurant room”,
„I improved my English.”
“I liked working with olives, plant care treatments, chestnut and olive harvesting, cleaning work on the farm, preparing the oil for sale”,
“During the internship, I had the opportunity to participate in chestnut harvesting and preparing chestnuts for direct sale. I also had the opportunity to learn about the fertilization and care treatments on the olive tree plantation. I improved my knowledge of foreign languages – English and Greek. I recognized and fought plant diseases and carried out cleaning work on the farm. I could see and participate in the creation of olive oil”
“Working in an accounting office, thanks to which she increased her professional competences”

Our cooperation was carried out with care for the highest quality of the project. It was also professional and on time. We hope for more joint projects, given the evaluation of this one.