Mobilities financed within a project “Transnational mobility of students and graduates, and the vocational training staff” realized from PO WER funds under the framework of Erasmus+ program, Vocational education and trainings section.
“Acquiring international professional competences as a basis for preparation for the future career path” („Zdobycie międzynarodowych kompetencji zawodowych podstawą przygotowania do przyszłej drogi zawodowej”) – School Complex of Energy and Transport in Chełm, Poland
“Foreign trainings for students from vocational school” (Praktyki zagraniczne dla uczniów technikum) – School Complex under the name od Jadwiga Grodzka in Leczyca, Poland
„Practice makes a master!” (Praktyka czyni mistrza!) – School Complex no 3 in Krasnik, Poland
READ MORE – 2nd mobility
„Practice makes a master!” (Praktyka czyni mistrza!) – School Complex no 3 in Krasnik, Poland
READ MORE – 1st mobility
„Abroad vocational trainings as development guarantee of region” (Zagraniczne staże zawodowe szansą rozwoju regionu) – School Complex no 4 in Tomaszow Lubelski, Poland
„Foreign apprenticeships for vocational students and graduates and vocational staff mobility” – Jozef Psarski School Complex no. 1 in Ostroleka, Poland